The Ride at the Place

Sometimes we are exhausted after work… and sometimes Viv feels cold with all the fans at Monty’s place.

But our chill mood had to wait, as the guys came by and bailed us out for some fun time at THE PLACE:

We had heard about the place called The Place before and the reason we came, was The Ride on which you fall – right next to a big window while everybody else in the mall can watch you.
Noone was at The Ride when we got there, people didn’t seem to be too enthusiastic about it… except for us, of course!

It was fuuun! To be honest, I don’t even remember if it was my first fall ride or if I had done it before, but it really wasn’t too bad, I just had a funny feeling in my tummy. It was cool that you could look outside the window and funny to watch peoples reactions – they mostly stopped what they were doing and just stood there with different facial expressions, some amused, some worried, some horrified, some curious…

At least Viv and I had a good time and didn’t scream, but the guys did! Apparently they aren’t used to this kind of ride here… of course we had to make fun of them! They were such babies… And boy, we were such trend-setters:

Once we had proven to all bystanders how much fun it was, they came all at once, mostly girls. We stayed to watch a bit, too, laughing because of how much they screamed and squeaked, before we went on to have Chinese food and eventually going back home.